Nazia Andaleeb PREEMA Bangladesh                 
1. strenght of light 1, digital art with illumination.    2. strenght of light 3, digital art with illumination.   3. monologue, digital art with illumination.














"I am a part of today's technological revolution. I want people to see the light. Painting is no more important. But light (illumination) is very important. Cause we can only see if there is light, if not, we don't see at all." My project is about digitalized life and its effect. We are now in a world where everything is technology. And it seems that digits are everywhere. So digital painting is become a form of Art. My digital art with illumination only indicates how fast we are moving towards light. And when light appears nothing exits in front of it. Light means dream, hope, life, purity. In my work I project light, as if, it became the life of the art. The light along with the painting distract people and also it attracts people. By bold and straight use of illumination, it takes away anything but itself. We are going thought a technological revolution and I want admit that I am also a part of it. Visit the site: